Finished reading: Ancient Wisdom for the Care of Souls by Coleman Ford & Shawn Wilhite 📚 The book was slow to click for me; however, I enjoyed the later chapters more. In all, it’s a worthwhile read for the many nuggets of pastoral wisdom, and a good intro to the benefits of reading the Fathers.

The view from the front porch tonight—cold but beautiful. 📸

A large tree with bare branches stands in the foreground of a snowy landscape during sunset. The sun is partially hidden by the tree, casting a warm golden glow across the scene. Shadows stretch across the snow-covered ground. In the distance, other trees and a barn are visible against the colorful sky.

Finished reading: Deacons by Matt Smethurst 📚 A helpful and solidly Biblical introduction to, or refresher on the office of deacon in the local church.

Finished reading: The Reluctant King by Sarah Bradford 📚 Although the author gives too much detail occasionally about peripheral events this is overall an excellent biography for anyone interested in it’s subject.

The Christmas cookie baking has begun.

Finished reading: Triumphing Over Sinful Fear by John Flavel An easy read as Puritan writers go, and full of good reminders and Biblical comfort.📚

I got some stickers! I don’t use many stickers, so I’ll have to think carefully about where to put them. Thanks @jean for sending them out.

Auto-generated description: An envelope with the text Stickers! Enjoy, is decorated with three speech bubble stickers featuring yellow stars.

Finished reading: Growing Downward by Nick Thompson

I was surprised by how consistently good this book was all the way through. It is definitely one of the top books I’ve read this year.📚

Wipr 2 is available today. This excellent little app has been my Adblocker of choice for years now. It does its job better in my experience than most of its competitors while remaining lightweight and unobtrusive.…

Autumn sunset from the cabin we rented—Oct 2023. 📸

Auto-generated description: A peaceful wooded pathway is illuminated by the warm glow of a setting sun with scattered rocks beside it.